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Monday, 26 November 2012

Electronic financial services in UAE : citizens level of adoption from IT implementation change management point of view

1. Abstract

2. Introduction

2.1. Background

2.2. Rationale for the Project

2.3. Outlines

3. Literature Review

3.1. ePay and eDirham

3.2. Influence on Customer Acceptance

3.3. Relative Advantage Offered

3.4. Complexity of Operation

3.5. Triability

3.6. Compatibility

3.7. Observability

4. Major Findings and Analysis

4.1. UAE eGovernment strategic Dimension

4.2. ICT Infrastructure

4.3. Constituents of the e-strategy

4.4. Principles and Values of eGovernemnt Strategy:

4.5. eDirham as a Change Strategy.

4.6. Evolution Process used for eDirham:

4.7. Behavior of UAE Citizens towards the Change.

4.8. eDirham Users Behavious and Major influences:

4.9. Synergistic Tools in UAE eDirham Strategy.

4.10. How the government has ensured removal of obstacles:

4.11. Recommendations:

5. Conclusion

5.1. Lesson Learned

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