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Monday, 26 November 2012

Electronic financial services in UAE : citizens level of adoption from IT implementation change management point of view

1. Abstract

2. Introduction

2.1. Background

2.2. Rationale for the Project

2.3. Outlines

3. Literature Review

3.1. ePay and eDirham

3.2. Influence on Customer Acceptance

3.3. Relative Advantage Offered

3.4. Complexity of Operation

3.5. Triability

3.6. Compatibility

3.7. Observability

4. Major Findings and Analysis

4.1. UAE eGovernment strategic Dimension

4.2. ICT Infrastructure

4.3. Constituents of the e-strategy

4.4. Principles and Values of eGovernemnt Strategy:

4.5. eDirham as a Change Strategy.

4.6. Evolution Process used for eDirham:

4.7. Behavior of UAE Citizens towards the Change.

4.8. eDirham Users Behavious and Major influences:

4.9. Synergistic Tools in UAE eDirham Strategy.

4.10. How the government has ensured removal of obstacles:

4.11. Recommendations:

5. Conclusion

5.1. Lesson Learned

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Managing Enterprise Architecture Change

.1 Triad Of Enterprise Architecture
- There are three dimensions of the EA should be considered: BRP, IT and organizational strategies
- Business processes, Technical architecture and organization structure have immediate impact on the customers, so the consequences of any modifications in those main components will affect the business position in the market.

.2 Basic Strategy
The architecture is putting all information needed together for future planning to choose the path advantageous position in the market .
The basic strategies steps are :
·         Suggestions
·         Synthesis
·         Acceptance

o   If synthesis is accepted it will be a strategy
o   If it’s not the analysis will occur to find out the synthesis

.3 Emergent properties of complex systems
The quality of an architecture reflected by addressing its non-functional indicators:
·         Openness

·         Performance

·         Evolvability

·         Security

·         Maintainability

·         Reliability

.4 Traditional Separate Architectures Approach:
There are 4 types of architectures in an organization :Technical , application , information and business give you the overall picture of an organization by providing  a contemplated abstract concept of how the whole system works , not just physical things .  

.5 Centralized Architecture Repository
Architecture repository is the important element in any architecture it should content all important elements in the system in any level of details.

.6 The Five Steps
The way to manage the risks correlated with complex systems is through architecture based approach the below steps allow the EA designers and strategists to predict and control the emergent properties.
1.       Audit

2.       Populate

3.       Analyze

4.       Visualize

5.       Optimize
The content is refer to Handbook Of Enterprise Systems Architecture In Practice 

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Singapore e-government - Class Note


1.       Civil

2.       Egap1 (2000-2003

3.       Egap2  :

·         Delighted Customer

·         Connected Citizens

·         Networked Gov. (Connected The Both Above Points )

o   Common Infrastructure

o   Info Management

o   Technical Standers

o   Collaboration


1-      Knowledge Based Workshop

2-      Electronic Service Delivery

3-      Technical Experiments

4-      Opp Epp Improved

5-      Inform Enforce

6-      Education

Strategic Thrust’s:

1-      Re-Invent

2-      Deliver Integrate Services

3-      Proactive And Responsibilities

4-      Using Info Common Build New

5-      Innovating

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Activity Based Method (ABM) for DoDAF

Activity Based Method (ABM) for DoDAF

- Activity Based Method (ABM) is a meta-model for DODAF used in US army operations not just in the IT field as a visual representation for data.

- This methodology provides high information taxonomy .

- One of Visual Representation methods .

- Like Zachman framework it deals with the information rather than processes like TOGAF which is Process Development Method. 
Source :

Monday, 12 November 2012

Indian E-Governance's Enterprise Architecture Framework Based On Zachman’s Framework

Indian E-Governance's Enterprise Architecture Framework Based On Zachman’s Framework


Chapters XXI and XXII summary

Chapters XXI and XXII summary
IS architecture for business process modeling, this chapter highlights the issues that enterprise in general face in managing information that rely on business processes and defining the activities of it . Having good process structure effect the business performance .

XXI chapter covers Virtual EA , metamodeling essential part of it . Meta model captures the fundamentals of process engineering.  Thus, is a tool that assists the business to develop their own context by outlining the business entities.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Deployment and Implementation of EA

IT is the business’s hand so having a proper IS infrastructure will enable the enterprise to accomplish its objectives . EA is like a blueprint that refer to what functions and systems and this  provides  an outlook of  how to evaluate the relationship between enterprise architecture and business strategy and organizational strategy to make the relevant changes To keep up with the changing needs of society and to survive, enterprises need to adapt and implement new enhancements. The most beneficial part of this course is it combines the real cases with the theories implementations so we can evaluate which framework suits a business and enhance its context a particular organization is not applicable for another. Those cases tech us how important of  having a relevant architecture and its consequences on business besides evaluating the success factors of implementing and realizing the importance of control mechanisms that support this effort .

Saturday, 10 November 2012

The Syngenta Architecture Story

The Syngenta Architecture Story

I learnt form this chapter , the alignments between the business strategy and the Information technology strategies and functions will provide a consistency for a business and it will help the business to enhance the reputation and its  position in the market.

The below figures represent the main functions that Syngenta focus on to build their enterprise Architecture 
Business strategy
Consumer led
IS strategy
Fix Basics (efficiency )
Enable business
Transformation (Growth)
High performance organization (innovation )
· Skills
· Roles
· org.
· Governance
· Communication
· Dev.
· Documentation
· Collaboration & Communication


Enterprise Architecture jobs in UAE and India

Similarities :

·        Exposure to Enterprise Architecture concepts including ServiceOriented Architecture, TOGAF / Zachmann / other reference Enterprise Architecture Concepts including relevant certifications.

·        Analyze enterprise business context (trends and business strategy

·        Industry exposure and pervious experience in the same field is preferred


·        Excellent hand on experience and execution skill in providing such solution in UK/US setup.  

·        The years of experience required in UAE +12 but in India +7

·        In UAE the role description specified and explain role and requirement in details not like India the recruiter provide brief description on the job  mostly the baseline requirements .

·        . 3+ years of technical leadership providing direction to a across function team of technical resource on very complex solutions or Services offering architecture activates in UK/US – (Must).  In UAE



References :

Monday, 5 November 2012

Enterprise Architecture Mechanisms

Principles of EA(1)

Lessons learn

-        When we implement a new change should maintain a good control mechanism and governance , it considers one of the success factors of the implementation process .

Baseline architecture is called As-Is architecture .It represents all components of the enterprise  processes , infrastructure and inputs/outputs .(1)
Target architecture is called To-Be architecture. It represents all apparatus needed for reaching the vision of the organization and its position in the future mainly focusing on strategic thinking and plans.(1) 

Enterprise life cycle (1)

1- Federal Enterprise Architecture

Introduction to Enterprise Architecture

Enterprise architecture it’s a blueprint of an organization’s main functions that assist in improving the understanding of the business complexity and decision making .

Why we need Enterprise architecture?

-        Clear structure of what we have in the current situation

-        Reduce costs and resources  resulting from avoiding duplication

-        Improve the decision making process

-        Consistent information and data